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Economy Tracker for The Texas Tribune

The Texas Tribune

May 2020 - January 2021

Tools: Python, HTML, CSS, and charts built with D3.js

I led the design and development of a web app that tracks the monthly statewide unemployment rate, county-level unemployment rates, and sales tax revenues collected in Texas throughout the coronavirus pandemic recession and recovery.

An earlier version also included the number of initial claims for unemployment benefits filed in Texas each week.

Data for this tracker comes from the Bureau of Labor Statistics Local Area Unemployment Statistics program and from the Texas Comptroller's Office. 


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Selected graphics for The Texas Tribune

The Texas Tribune

January 2020 - January 2021

Tools: Adobe Illustrator, QGIS, HTML, CSS


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The Opiate Crisis Across Massachusetts

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Middlebury College CS465: Information Visualization

November 2018

Tools: HTML, CSS, JavaScript (D3)

    For our final project for CS465: Information Visualization, Nina Sonneborn, Steph Jordan and I built an interactive web app to explore the opiate crisis in Massachusetts. Data for the project came from and the U.S. Census TIGER Products.

View the web app

See the code

Resaca Explorer

The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley 

July - August 2018

Tools: HTML, CSS, JavaScript (Leaflet, CARTO, jQuery)


   I built this interactive web map for Dr. Jude Benavides and his team at the University of Texas Rio Grande Valley, who wanted a user-friendly way to share the data they are collecting on the resaca systems of Cameron County, TX with interested residents.

    The Resaca Explorer was my first attempt at building a web map with code. I began by building a Leaflet map loading external geoJSON files, using Lyzi Diamond's post about this method as a guide. Ultimately, to allow Dr. Benavides' team to update the data without needing to edit code and to allow users to easily download data, I merged the five resaca system shapefiles into a single dataset and hosted it with CARTO.  

   Throughout the project, I spent a lot of time with w3schools CSS, HTML, and JavaScript tutorials, as well as stackoverflow threads and examples from the CARTO team.

View the Resaca Explorer

See the code

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